Python Lessons from 4chan, Part 3: Are Decorators Pythonic?

If I wanted to make this post sound professional and industrious, I would say that my motivations behind this project were because I’ve started working towards my Bayesian model of webcomic updates again, and that I’m taking an intermediate step by analyzing data from similar content creators.

But the truth is, I was just pissed off that I couldn’t read the manga I wanted to.

These are the Python lessons I learned scraping manga scanlations off of 4chan.

Part 3: The ‘pythonicity’ of decorators

For the background on the project this post stems from, as well as other life lessons I learned, check out Part 1, Part 2.

Getting Fancy

The drive for shiny new toys is not limited to children: statisticians and coders alike still get excited breaking in fancy new statistical techniques or that pretty new Python library. I myself feel the pull all the time: one third curiosity, one third actual utility, and one third “keeping up with the Joneses.” Mix well, serve on the rocks.

In working on this 4chan-scraping project–and discussing code architecture with a friend–I rediscovered something in Python that fit the “shiny toy” niche–something called decorators.1


You know how things like strings, ints, and objects can be saved as variables, passed as arguments into functions, or be returned? Well in Python, functions themselves can be treated similarly. A “decorator” is just a function that takes in a different function as an argument and builds on that different function without modifying it. Consider the following:

def a_little_bit_louder_now():
    return("A little bit louder now")
def throw_my_hands_back():
    return("Throw my hands back")

def shout_decorator(a_function):
    def wrapper():
        prefix = "Shout! "
        message = a_function()
        suffix = "!"
        return(prefix + message + suffix)

You can see that the function, shout_decorator() defines a function within itself and then returns that function. You can also see that it takes in a function as an argument and uses that function in the one it returns. So let’s see what happens when we use the decorator on the functions we’ve made:

kingsmen_verse_function  = shout_decorator(throw_my_hands_back)
kingsmen_chorus_function = shout_decorator(a_little_bit_louder_now)

Shout! Throw my hands back!
Shout! A little bit louder now!
Shout! A little bit louder now!

Hey-ey, hey-ey! Note that unlike in the example above, “real” decorators are almost always used to overwrite the original function they build on, like so:

throw_my_hands_back  = shout_decorator(throw_my_hands_back)
a_little_bit_louder_now = shout_decorator(a_little_bit_louder_now)

“Pie” syntax

The whole reason I started learning about decorators is because I saw an @ symbol before a function and I wanted to learn what it meant. This @ is because of Python’s “pie syntax”, a way of making it easier to read and write decorators.

After defining a decorator function, you can decorate the subsequent function by putting @<decorator_function> before you define it. The example below decorates hey_ey() with quadruple_repeat_decorator().

def quadruple_repeat_decorator(a_function):
    def wrapper():
        for i in range(4):
            l += [a_function]
        return( " ".join(l) )
def hey_ey():

If you want to make even more generalizable code, you can make decorator functions that take in other arguments as well. For example, if you want a decorator that will join the output of a function an arbitrary amount of times, you can do so:

def repeat_n_times(n):
    def repeat_decorator(a_function):
        def wrapper():
            for i in range(n):
                l += [a_function()]
            return( " ".join(l) )
def hey_ey():
def a_little_bit_softer():
    return("Shout! A little bit softer now!")   
Hey-ey! Hey-ey! Hey-ey! Hey-ey!
Shout! A little bit softer now! Shout! A little bit softer now!

This is super useful for a lot of specific situations. For example, Flask is a Python library used for building websites, and uses decorators frequently and elegantly to set URLs. Decorators are also great for timing functions and certain other advanced applications.

However, as they get more complicated, or as you chain decorators together, they get much harder to read, especially for those who haven’t worked in all the obscure parts of Python. Feel free to browse through some of the examples—they’re often a little mind-bending.

Sometimes Showing Off Is a Bad Thing

I have a function in my code that attempts to load information from a URL n times in a row, waiting m seconds each attempt, catching certain exceptions, etc. It just so happened that I can use that one function to both load HTML pages as well as images, but it might be nice to have a decorator that will do the same for an arbitrary function. It would have also been a great instance where I could show of my skills.

There are obvious benefits to using decorators in this situation, and maybe if I were developing an entire framework of code, I would use the decorator version. But stackoverflow user Kevin J. Rice points out something worth considering:

Decorators are inherently confusing, esp. to first-year noobs who come behind you and try to mod your code. [… They’re] vastly overused by people wanting to seem smart (and many actually are) but then the code comes to mere mortals and gets effed-up.

[C]ode readability is just about my highest priority when writing. Code is read 7+ times for every time it’s modified. Hard to understand code (for noobs or for experts who are working under time pressure) is technical debt that has to be paid every time someone visits the source tree

Considering his points, as well as the fact that I am purposefully making code that aims to be more accessible to newbies, I decided against using decorators. In my opinion, the guiding principles of Python suggest that I shouldn’t go to town with decorators on this project as much as I had originally intended.

From The Zen of Python by Tim Peters:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex […]
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

Although decorators are important to some types of projects, I don’t think it would have been “pythonic” to use them here, or to shoe-horn them in other parts of the code that I was writing. Sometimes it’s better to keep things simple than make them efficient.

Source Code:

The end-product of my pains. I gave up adding doc strings halfway, but I have a lot of comments, so understanding what’s happening shouldn’t be too hard. I made the argument-parsing nice and sexy–try python3 -h for a look-see.

For an idea of how threads work, maybe check out my previous post about scraping with threads.


  1. A better blogger than me has written a very good introduction to the concept here, which I definitely recommend reading in more depth if you personally want to use them. However, I’ll mostly be talking about when not to use them. 


python lessons from 4chan, python, web scraping, 4chan, manga, webcomics, python decorators, decorators, pythonic,

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